I have been taking classes at HGMS (Houston Gem and Mineral Society) and am learning lots of new and fun techniques.
Riveting The first I will mention is riveting and cold connections. I've got some great new ideas, and lots of inspiration for joining different media all without heat! No torch or soldering. The possibilities seem endless. I have incorporated the different metals such as brass, copper, silver as well as plastic and Color Magic Paint. Yep, I brought this product back out after sitting on the shelf for a while. It is an enamel paint that you can use, a lot like fingernail polish. I think it adds some character to the pieces. All the Color Magic pieces have a clear coat of protective finish applied.
Foldforming Oh what fun can be had with metal! Heating, bending, pounding away with hammers. This techinique creates such wonderful organic shapes, textures and varied ideas. Again, the possiblities seem endless.
Both of these techniques have really changed the way I look at the construction of my work. Who knows what direction I will take in my designs next. Big thanks goes out to Val Link for teaching these classes.
Foldformed & Riveted
VPNCCS-$144, Copper Color Swirl Necklace,18in,$144